IEEE DiscoveryPoint for Communications improves decision-making for practicing engineers by providing expertly curated, communications-focused content on a platform built to support a dynamic workflow. Discover standards, eLearning content, eBooks, white papers, vendor parts & components, and more.
IEEE DiscoveryPoint’s Vendor Parts & Components Channel provides parts data from hundreds of manufacturers, to support the discovery of products and components that can be integrated into a product design.
Discover parts data to find products and components in the market that can be integrated into a product design
- Offered in partnership with Octopart, one of the most recognized names in this sector
- Link to over 18M+ records of parts available today from distributors and manufacturers, including technical specifications, datasheets, CAD models, images, pricing, and availability details
- A single source that draws together technical sources of multiple types – including identification and sourcing of components potentially required in prototyping and manufacturing products
- Results in the Parts & Components Channel link out directly to rich content on Octopart, including Technical Specifications, Datasheets, Pricing and Inventory from distributors, and related products
Explore new opportunities with IEEE DiscoveryPoint for Communications’ research & development content. For more information on how to get access to this parts and components content and other valuable resources in IEEE DiscoveryPoint for Communications, contact us today!